Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Step Toward Normal Borders

This week, there is chatter that the EU member states (27 of them) have come to some agreement on open-borders by the middle of June.  This means that the Covid-19 situation has reached a point where they feel relatively 'safe'.  At that point, you can get into your car (in Germany), and drive through France, to some vacation villa in Spain. 

The odds that this may fall apart by July?  Well....see...this is a game where you think you have things under control, and you wake up to find that things were never under control.  It is entirely possible that by September, with a second 'wave'....we go back to border controls.

What the 27 anticipate is that with a open border....folks will now travel on vacation, cross borders on trains, and life will move one step closer to 'normal'. 

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