Monday, May 25, 2020

Comical Juvenile Activity

I spend an hour a day reading over Twitter and it's various commentaries.  Today, I came to this one character that I often notice, and read this piece that he attached....apparently he'd been called for some violation with Twitter (by a user) and they had spent some time reviewing the complaint.  This was the response to the guy:

We have received a complaint regard your account, @X, for the following content.
Tweet ID: X
Tweet Text: This is a nursing home. Please someone explain why this is happening and unreported. (media)
We have investigated the reported content and could not identify any violations of the Twitter Rules ( or German law.  Accordingly we have not taken any action at this time.

So here's the thing.....this is an the US, and apparently the complaint came from someone beyond the US border, and this Twitter agreement with Germany fell into play, where they have to react within x-number of hours or be fined in a hefty way.

People are looking over the commentary, and the Twitter note that obviously wanted the potential violator to know that German law might affect his Tweet.  Questions are being pushed around and some people are asking if 'Brownshirt' activity is now part of the new 'game'.

Did Germany build this social media law to force upon the world itself?  That's the funny thing about this.....political folks in Germany felt that great harm could arrive through fake news, uncontrolled chatter, and like a 'parent' standing over a seven-year-old child.....they felt their duty was to safely control the environment for the child.

Even if the child is a decently educated forty-year old adult?  Yes....even in that case.  You have to grasp this....politicians are more educated in this discussion area, and seem to be all knowing and wise.

Lets face it....if you got real wise, and started to chat with people about things being'd just go and screw up everything that exists today.  So people need to create barriers to prevent mass chaos.

Thank goodness....we have Twitter censors....working around the clock, 24-hours a save humanity.  But you have to this all a creation by juveniles to control society?

When the public realizes this, and begins to vacate Twitter....for non-1984-type social media sites, without the censor crowd?

Chaos, and the virtual end of Twitter....approaching.


Daz said...

Isn't it interesting how many conservatives frantically want to enforce regulations on twitter, facebook, and youtube, when they're not interested in regulation for any other industry (firearms, etc).... Makes you think that they might be a bunch of raging hypocrites, heh?

Schnitzel_Republic said...

At some point, toward the very end of the Roman Empire...bigwigs in Rome started a new regulation about statues or such in your non-Christian deities. For probably 400 years in the Roman one said a word, and then one day....they got to go. Folks were told in various way to 'dump' the non-Christian deities statues. So off they went to the local garbage dump.

There's a point where society becomes burdened with regulation, and worried about each other's behavior in life.