Sunday, April 10, 2022

NATO Chatter

 If you read through the Telegraph (out of the UK) this morning....there's a basic story there from an interview with the Secretary General (Jens Stoltenberg).

He says....NATO is working on the paperwork for a permanent military presence on the eastern front....meaning that whatever troops are there today, will probably turn into a permanent deployment in the future.  

How this relates to the US Army/Air Force?  Unknown. 

By the tone, I would say they are convinced that Russian behavior is permanently tainted and it might take decades to regain 'trust'.

US installations in Germany evolving now?  It wouldn't surprise me if you had an assignment to Germany, but were put on 90-day rotations to the front locations every six months.  In some ways, I see this becoming very much like deployments to South Korea (1-year situations).  

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