Friday, April 15, 2022

The 100,000 Rumor

 N24 (German commercial news) came on this morning and said that around 100k Russian IT technicians packed up and left Russia in the past thirty days.  BS-factor?  Well....maybe '5' can't tell.  Certainly the Russians can't prove it....neither can the journalists....nor the CIA.

Here's the thing about it....if this were the 'crème' of the IT crop for the Russian industry...then yeah, it's a problem.

If this were only the beginning stage, and another 100,000 left by end of May?  Yeah, that would be a problem as well.

Commerce across the globe....runs off IT today, and Russia is no different.  What you'd start to notice by mid-summer....various platforms would be marginally operating.....banking software would have daily glitches or down-time.....telephone and internet-mail services would be up and down on a daily basis.

Putin and his Kremlin crew even able to grasp this?  I doubt it.  There's probably commerce and business concerns talking about this in Moscow, but the idea that the upper levels of the government getting hyped-up?  Why?  

On the other side of this...if this were true?  Well....a ton of qualified IT professionals are on the open-market, and probably shuttling their resumes around for better jobs in Europe, and the Americas.  An offer of residency....some decent starting pay, and some landscape with safe lives?  It might be enough to satisfy the vast number.

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