Sunday, April 10, 2022

What Is This Spiegel Scandal All About? simplify this story....back in the summer of 2021....around the Ahr Valley, there was this once in a hundred years flood (134 Germans dead).  The Valley runs through both the NRW state and the Pfalz state.  

So at that time, the Environmental Minister for the Pfalz was Anne Spiegel (Green Party).  About a week prior to the flood.....she left for a month-long vacation in France (long-planned trip with the family).

At some point, about ten days after the flood....she did show up in the flood zone for roughly two days...yeah, you can call it photo ops.....then returned to the vacation site.  

So, there's been this agenda building up that Spiegel is 'unsuitable' as a government official.  The 'grit' of this agenda?  She should have been around at her job....24 hours a days a week....after the flood.

Her job right now?  Since the national election....she moved up, and is today the German Federal Family Minister.

A fake agenda situation?  Well....if she were the emergency services director, or the regional fire department 'boss', or the Interior Minister....maybe there would be a legit position to dump/fire her.  But you have to ask the stupid question....what exactly can the Environmental 'boss' of a state do?

If you go down the list of functions....these sixteen state Environmental 'bosses' mostly do PR for change in weather....attend meetings that concern the climate...hang out with like-minded people....make speeches over pollution and saving the planet.  If you did go asking what they do in an's mostly to just attend meetings and do photo ops.  

Yeah, it is the least important job within a state ministry situation (even lower than the Family Minister).  

What'll eventually happen here?  I think the Green Party will eventually ask her to resign, or maybe take a position after the EU election in Brussels.  

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