Thursday, April 21, 2022

State Election Coming Up

 I looked at the Wahl-o-Mat for Schleswig-Holstein (the German state) having the election in about two weeks.  The Wahl-o-Mat carries about 38 questions which tell you the typical interest of folks in the state.  Some observations:

1.  Support for wind generator comes up....if you are agreeable to approving placement or limiting placement.

2. Should everyone be forced on the Covid vaccination?

3.  The state should be forced to provide tabs to all school kids (free).

4.  The state should assess the size of farms, and how many animals will be permitted.

5.  The state should be forced to pay out funding for rural public transportation.

6.  Visiting WW II memorial sites (against Nazis) should be forced upon all kids in school.

7.  Should cities have the right to refuse refugees?

8.  If you have lobbyist should be forced to register on a local/regional list.

9.  If you were rejected for refugee should be deported.

10.  If you apply for asylum.....on that very day (day one) should get a work permit.

There's a lot of differing opinions by locals on these topics.  I'd say that around 10-percent of the 38 questions....revolve around asylum/refugees.  Both the CDU and SPD are likely to carry 60-percent of the voting pattern presently (combined).  The Greens are in the 16-to-20 percent range.  

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