Saturday, April 30, 2022

Russian Chatter

 German N-TV had a 'talk' today.....with Russian dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov, Russian writer Boris Akunin and Russian economist Sergei Guriev.

Topic?  Well.....they've set up something called "True Russia ".  In their mind, Russia is ended as a 'empire'.

What is True Russia?  I'd call it a future path for Russians fed up with the Putin system, and they want a long term change to occur in Russia.

Any of this mattering?  Well.....before the internet era, I'd say just talking or communicating about this would be impossible.  Today, unless the internet is cut might be able share radical thoughts and get half the population in twenty years go dump the empire idea. Maybe they'd even reach a process where you could break it up in five or six states.  

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