Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Three Things On The War Today: 12 Apr 2022

 1.  There's some odd talk that Switzerland is studying the idea of joining NATO.  Unlike the case of Sweden/Finland....where it's around two-thirds of the population supporting this....I'd say the trend in Switzerland is closer to 40-percent in support.  But two years ago, I doubt if you could have found more than 10-percent in favor of the idea.

2.  Thomas Jaeger wrote a piece for Focus and openly discussed the manpower problem that Russia currently has.  It's worth a read.

He suggests....whatever the number is for the losses....it's significant and this attempt to bring back retired military, or drag the reservists onto the landscape, or to bring in new conscripts....it'll take weeks to organize and refill the units.

The idea of capturing Mariupol, Ukraine?  Well...if you view the total picture....this would be the moment where they could halt the operation...claim victory, and get peace treaty up to end the war.  

The suggestion that Russia has too few troops to occupy/control all of the Ukraine?  Actually, even with the 150k to begin with....I think they were asking way to much.  In this situation now?  If the Ukraine doesn't buy off on the treaty.....Russia simply doesn't have the troops (or probably the tanks) to mount a six-month long occupation.  

The continued threat on the rest of Europe?  If this scenarios continues....with the Russians still operating this military operation in August.....I don't think there's much of a threat left.

3.  Current refugee situation in Germany?  335,000....as of this morning.

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