Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Full 'Conquest' 'Pickle'?

 I read some piece today, where the 'expert' wanted to now suggest only two Putin scenarios left to play out (my humble thoughts are a dozen scenarios).

So this chatter from the expert went this way:

1. Scenario one: Use the present 'team' and try to take the far eastern region....then turn....hype some peace ending with about 25-percent of the Ukraine ceded over to Russia.  The view was by this guy....Ukraine might accept this ending.

2.  Scenario two: Oddly enough....go full mobilization and attempt to take all of Ukraine, period.

I sat there for several minutes....trying to contemplate what 'full mobilization' meant.  Maybe if you brought what remained in the far eastern region of Siberia, with every single Conscript possible (even those with two weeks of boot-camp), and brought back those from the past five years who were let out of conscription....maybe there's enough to build a serious front like one would imagine.

The tank/APC situation?  I'm likely believe most of the operational stuff has been already wasted, and this full mobilization might be a question on equipment.

Here's the thing, if you went to this drastic of a scenario.....what would really be left of the Russian military at that point?  There has to be dozens of generals standing there in Moscow and asking what their purpose will be at the end of this.....with a serious loss of manpower and equipment?  

There might be just enough equipment and manpower left to have the big Moscow military parade deal.....but that's the full extent of a parade-corps. 

All of this reminds me of the Hitler reality in 1944....after D-Day, when there were not enough men or tanks to stage any defense from the east or west.  Various generals just stood there and were readily convinced (perhaps as early as December 1943) that this war was finished.  

But once you enter this ending....maybe with Russia having full control of Ukraine....then what?  You've destroyed the infrastructure to such a degree....that it will not be able to be of value.....adding to Russia's GDP to construct the military, and an economy so wrecked.....that it will resemble Albania or North Korea.

Putin's chief problem?  I think he just wants scenario one to work, hoping the Ukrainians would be stupid enough to accept that, and slide out of this up half the country.  For some reason, I don't think scenario one is realistic, and scenario two is a end-situation for Russia.  

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