Thursday, April 14, 2022

Ukraine's Claim Over Tanks Destroyed?

 This morning, the Ukrainians claimed that 753 tanks have been destroyed.  BS-factor?  Well....I'd give a '5' just can't be sure.

I originally thought they meant like tanks and APCs in one category....but no, APCs are in a separate category (1,968 total destroyed on that claim).

Dead troops for Russia?  That claim goes to around 19,900.  

So here's my problem here.....lets assume that this is 50-percent accurate (I'm willing to go that far). 

But to say that and then say the lost planes/helicopters and boats gone as well?  That's a serious loss.

If the report were 90-percent accurate?  You'd start to see this as a Iraq repeat....where they lost so much equipment....they were not in a position to ever fight a legit war again.

You put the Kremlin crew in a tough position.  They need to replace 600-plus tanks....with an economy that is dismal to start with but seriously screwed now because of sanctions.  The 19,000 lost men?  That doesn't include wounded or those captured.

I'm more likely to believe that this is a bit bogus, but it just might be about two-thirds of the true losses, and that's serious in admitting.  

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