Saturday, April 30, 2022

Rather Odd

 Some news folks at WELT/N-24....went looking for documents pertaining to Schleswig-Holstein, the Nord Stream II pipe from Russia to Germany, and environmental impact studies by local authorities.

Odd thing....the environmental documents aren't there.

State authorities in a panic?  I'd say they are asking around....maybe some fellow took them home to read over.  But there's no check-out or explanation here....making folks think....well....some dishonest deed might have occurred.

Getting the Green Party fussy?  Well....yeah, they are asking some big questions.

Who looks the worse at this point?  Mostly all SPD Party folks from the state.

What it looks like?  Some Nord Stream II Russian exec probably paid someone to do a mild environmental study and not slow them down (take three years for the study), and that person woke up in the past three months to realize they might be in serious trouble.  Course, you don't know who this is, or if it goes to a dozen individuals who just wanted a easy path to start the project.  

Kinda funny, and probably will trigger a truth commission.  Computer back-up of any material?  So, and that just makes you more skeptical that it wasn't put up on a free internet access port.  

But don't worry....Germany will get to the bottom of this.  

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