Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Ten Theories I Have On The War

 1.  If you are a regular Russian conscript guy (carrying a rifle).....your IQ level is probably 89 and on down to 55 (meaning you have a mild mental disability).  

2.  Back on day one in the Putin briefing room.....there were probably seven different maps to show advancements and how the war would be over by the 7th day.

3.  All this chatter going on about Russian soldiers shooting themselves in the leg with Ukrainian bullets....to get sent to the rear?  You probably get a medal from Putin....which is later revoked.....then later get a personal medal from the Ukraine for your heroic action.

4.  If these Russian combat rations really were three to twelve years over their expiration date....don't you think intestinal problems would have occurred and gotten people brought to the rear?

5.  From all those exercises held over the past thirty years.....these 1-star to 4-star generals.....did they actually do anything other than show up....party with the guys, and then write glowing reports of exercise 'victory'?

6.  If all this Putin 'Nazi-chatter' were true.....then these Nazis must be ten times more powerful than the German Nazis of 1943.  

7.  I have this theory that 'Sputnik' (the Russian Covid vaccine).....might have triggered mental defects in people.

8.  If it's true all these high-tech Russians are leaving the country.....who will run the Russian adult-video industry?

9.  If Trump were President presently....probably every morning, he'd pick up the red-phone....call Putin, and ask how things were going.  Putin would reach a point of asking for a 'safe-space' to avoid these phone-calls.

10. The Russian Instagram influencer crowd are probably at the lowest level that you can imagine.  No one is hearing their BS.  

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