Sunday, November 22, 2020

Just Something To Ponder

 There was chatter going on in the Pfalz area in the past day or two....over the way that the Corona vaccine episodes will occur, once delivery starts up.

So the authorities in the Pfalz (not really talked about in any other German state) note that they will have a 'robust' phone reservation system where you connect, and get a 'block' of time to show up in your regional vaccine center, without any problems or issues.

They aren't saying much over testing of this reservation system or how this was set up.

The idea that vaccinations will be going on for ten hours of the days a week?  It was laid out like that. 

In the mind of the one is suggesting absolute and full compliance, but they kinda assume the vast majority of people will want the vaccination.  

The 1,000 reservations per center per day?  There will be one center for the Mainz area (population of 218,000).  If you do the math, figuring the initial shot and the booster'd be talking about 436 days before you complete this.  Or you assume that five or six vaccination centers in the outlying areas around Mainz (say 25 km's away) would have plenty of openings along the 3rd month of existence.  

Set-ups like this in each state?  Well....a lot of details in Hessen are up on the board, and a number of items aren't readily discussed yet.  

This 'robust' reservation program?  Here's the thing....over the past thirty-odd years in Germany, a lot of technology promises have been made, and about half of them really came to be marginal status situations in the end (not failures but not successes either).

So it'll be curious how the phone reservation system works, and if you arrive at 11 AM to find yourself still waiting at 3 PM in some line....waiting.  

(I should also note that a second, third and fourth vaccine will be hitting the delivery stage by March.  The rumor around Hessen is that these will be vaccines that your local clinic or doctor could pick up, and maybe have thirty to forty folks on one single day of the week to get vaccinated-up....thus avoiding the centers)

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