Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Wife and the Covid-19 Warning App

My wife (German) downloaded the warning App for Covid-19 around four months ago.  

So the way it continually tracks where you are (leaving a trail)....which is collected and it 'bumps' against other people (who have the App loaded as well).  During a typical day, if you were within 1.5 meters of an infected person for 15 minutes, with the infected person testing (say a day or two later), then the system will analyze the 'trail' and the time of the 'bump' you a warning.

There are two types of warning....the GREEN one, which means you did 'bump' someone, within the 1.5 meter range, for less than 15 minutes.  The RED one means you were near this person for more than 15 minutes, and you probably ought to consult your doctor if you show any symptoms at all.

So you think about it.....the key here is the 15 minute situation.  Maybe this was a 30-second episode where you were at the grocery buying a bag of oranges, and just stood there with the sickly clerk for 30 seconds. Or maybe you were there at some butcher counter for 14 minutes, waiting to be served and next to some gal who appeared a slight bit sick.  In these's GREEN with this slight warning.  

In my wife's case, it's a GREEN with the comment....suggesting two days prior, she 'bumped' someone.  

For some folks, this would set off an anxiety-panic attack....lasting for hours until they could get the doctor to give them the slip for the Covid-19 test.  The App writers and the advisers for the App....probably did their very best to reassure folks with a simple text.  They even avoided flipping the color to YELLOW or ORANGE....that would have triggered worry to a maximum. 

In my wife's case, simple GREEN and then some analysis over where this occurred (grocery likely), and that was it.  

Maybe this should have a happy-face or some other symbiology?  It's hard to say.  I would imagine that 20k Germans a day get the GREEN warning, and some might have gotten it forty times in the past four months.  

Just another odd factor that you have to take into account.  

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