Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Local Mask 'Rules'

 My local town (Wiesbaden) has adopted new ban rules....which mean you wear a mask in the shopping district (out of doors) from 10 AM to 8 PM.  So once you exit the car (in the parking garage) need to put the mask on, and exit the parking walk in the 'protected' zone.

Now, the curious thing about this....the police were instructed to participate in this....with the loud-speaker system in the shopping district.

So you have this speaker that comes on....probably every 15-to-20 minutes, with Huns (the police dude)...who will basically say "Vorsicht, Sie müssen eine Maske tragen." (Caution, you must wear a mask). 

All of this as Christmas shopping starts up?  Yeah, that's the amusing part of the story.  The more you look at this....there's no reason for risk or to be out shopping.  You should just use the internet to order gift-certificates.  Don't subject any risk to yourself. 

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