Sunday, November 29, 2020

No to the Big Three

 A news group poll was done this past week....asking the question of accepting the new potential Chancellor at the end of 2021, with choices of:

1. Habeck, Green Party

2. Soder, CSU-CDU Party

3. Scholz, SPD Party

The curious outcome of this poll?  Roughly one out of three Germans said NO to all three.  They weren't excited or pumped-up.

A problem?  There's about ten months of time to go, with the possibility that Soder won't get to the party nomination (Merz might be the winner).  

The odds on Habeck and the Greens getting the majority of votes?  Based on trends of the past twenty years....the lead party (from the six) probably won't get more than 35-percent of the vote.  Right now, the Greens are trending toward 20 to 24 percent, and with the right amount of topics....they might surge at the final month to around 30 percent. 

This Covid-19 resolution, and economic recovery needs to be underway by the fall....for the Greens to reach a majority.  

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