Thursday, April 7, 2022

Three Interesting Stories Going On Today

 1.  N-TV (German commercial news) put up a piece.....hackers got into the Russian Kremlin 'zoom-like' meetings going on.  N-TV packaged this as a 60-second update....not really saying how many hours of conversation that they got out of the meetings, or what all was said.  

Yeah, it might be marginal information.  Or it might be five-hundred hours of talks where news media information was manufactured and journalists were told to market X, Y and Z.

The chief problem here?  None of this stuff was 'secure', or that the Kremlin folks thought their level of security was adequate.  

Putting the Putin-brand into a corner?  I would say that it just makes the Kremlin apparatus look like a bunch of 5th-grade kids....trying to piece together a message to keep people guessing.

2.  Via a N-TV update.....the US Pentagon thinks that this quiet-period is going on longer....because there is some effort to regroup and provide some kind of 'rest'.  Movement to the eastern front (like the chatter from last week).....NO, if would appear to be some new Belarus front in the making.

The suggestion of some battle groups being 'depleted'?  That suggestion is going on and has some weight to it.  

Marginal morale and poorly-trained conscripts really screwing up the focus to get ahead?  It would appear this is one of the big problems to re-start the offensive.

3.  Ruble shifting back to where it was six weeks ago?  Well....near 80 Rubles to the dollar.

Differing opinions about this.

Putting the bank interest business up to around 20-percent?  Most agree....Russian banks helped to stabilize the currency by this one single action.  No one is borrowing money.  

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