Monday, November 14, 2022

Crime Boss Story

 About three weeks ago, I essayed about a Lebanese-German....crime-family 'boss' Berlin, who'd been picked up by the police around midnight one evening....taken with orders by the police to the Airport, and then sent to Beirut (deportation).

It was a page one story for about 24 hours.

Well....the guy has been interviewed in Beirut, and indicates that he will be 'returning' to the near future.  

Odds of this?  I give it a 99-percent chance of happening.  

German legal system at odds?'s something that the current legal system of Germany has never really faced.

Years ago....deportation usually worked.  Today, it's just a joke.

My humble guess is that some type of special law will have to be written, and a special type holding 'camp' (maybe on German soil....maybe somewhere else)....will have to be created, and characters like this....will have to be dumped there for the remainder of their lives.  

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