Saturday, November 5, 2022

This France-RT-Rumble Discussion

 Somewhere in the past month, France decided (finally) that Russia's RT (50-percent news, 50-percent humble view) was a threat to society.  Naturally, the satellite folks for Europe had already 'terminated' their channel...mostly because Germany acted about a year ago on dumping their service in German/English.

Now, I will say this....prior to the war, I probably watched RT (in English) around sixty minutes a month.  I'm quiet familiar with propaganda, and readily identify it in just a few minutes.  RT is capable of producing non-propaganda pieces, with just plain regular analysis.  They can flip a button and drill down into 200-percent propaganda fairly easy.

So this French thing came up....where they discovered a fair number of French folks were getting a dose of RT (in French or English) from the internet 'midget' Rumble (based in the US).  The government of France then said in a blunt way....what is going on here?  Then they said....'drop RT'.

Rumble stood there and finally said.....'thanks, but no'.  Then they countered....if French people are that susceptible to propaganda.....Rumble would just cut off all access to the French, period.

Since that statement.....France has been a bit silent.

There's a problem brewing through Europe....from the UK over to Greece, and it centers on people having access to a lot of BS, propaganda, toxic chatter, fake promi people, religious crap, hype, disinformation, misinformation, newspeak, and brainwashing.  

If you think RT is a might want to look at the full landscape, and admit over 1,000 other threats exist as well.  I'd even put Tik Tok on this list.

If I were France, I'd avoid getting into this discussion.  The best remedy?  Just go to French internet providers, and have them adjust the speed of the download....for a 3-minute should take at least 8 minutes to get the full download.  If you think watching 'Breaking Bad' is a bad thing......set the download speed to 30-percent of the normal speed.  If you think that comedians are a threat to society....set their speed to 30-percent the norm.

Course, you could go the opposite direction and talk about propaganda, talking about how it works, and give daily demonstrations (you what the BBC does for 24 hours a day, or what German public TV does).  

All of this being a big deal?  French people would probably respond that they have a priority list of issues, and this doesn't even make it into the top one-hundred problems. 

1 comment:

Daz said...

On a side note I'd like to hear your opinion on whether fighting fire with fire works even it comes to propaganda? Or do you think it's better to rise up above it?

It seems we have a generation of politicians who'll lie without hesitation coupled with a client media who'll allow it when it aligns with their owners interests. How can you cut through that noise?

Thanks in advance