Thursday, November 10, 2022

What Keeps Things Together Agenda?

 Public TV in Germany....ARD (Channel One) has taken on a new project, and this hype to the project.

What's this concern?  Well...'what keeps Germans together'?

It's mostly a series of programs to have leaders, figures of authority, recognized public about how united and bound-together.....Germans are.

I've sat and looked at their wording, and the chatter involved.  I'd say they revolve around three things:

1.  They (the public TV folks) want to convince the public that we are just one big happy family in Germany, and need to stay that way.....avoiding conflict, insults, or fake news/propaganda.  

2.  If you already believed this state of helps to re-assure you.

3.  If you weren't of this state of mind.....we (ARD) just want to talk to you and try to get you to focus on a new reality.  

I noticed off this mornings chatter of the first show.....Dieter Nuhl (comedian and intellectual) spoke to the idea that nothing is holding people together, and maybe it's better that way.  You wouldn't want a bunch of Borg-like people trying to get us all in the collective.  He has a point....I'll admit.

Issues here?  I'll offer four points:

1.  From the age group of 15 to 35.....I doubt if more than 30-percent of the general German public watches ARD/ZDF or any of the public TV networks.  If they's mostly for sports programming, or the nightly news.  Most of this group aren't watching the focus topic.

2.  Just in general, I'm skeptical of the nature of the journalists....trying sell me the 'brand' of togetherness.  I would suggest at least a quarter of the nation would feel the same way. 

3.  Generally, the best solution here is just to convince people that it's OK to listen, then disagree with people or agendas.  If your agenda is to drag me to some disagreeable'd be wasting your time/resources.

4.  Given a choice of watching 'Game of Thrones' or this agenda stuff.....I'm sorry, I'd be watching GoT.  If it were a Frankfurt soccer game....yeah, I'd be watching that.  

Where this is coming from?  I'd suggest that various political folks are worried, because their theme/message/brand.....just isn't selling well to the general public anymore.  

Part of this blame? Trying to convince people that Berlin politicians will come and save you in each crisis.....has not proven to be reliable.  

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