Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Vegan Story

 About a month ago, down in Freiburg (in the Black Forest region)....the local city council had a vote and will be herding school kids/kindgarten kids toward a meatless menu in 2023.  

What's the hype about?  Nutrition experts in Germany have this opinion that kids are eating badly (including sugar products, excess meat consumption, bad food in general), so the city council (because they pay for the food in the system)....found enough support to just say there will be a complete meatless situation by the end of 2023.


Well...the UK folks did something like this around a decade ago, and found about six months later that the kitchen help noted that most of the food got dumped into the garbage.  The end-result?  It wasn't just a meatless situation....it became a foodless situation.  Kids didn't eat in the middle of the day, and went home to make up for the lost mid-day snack.

In my village, most of the school kids are out between 12:30 and 1:30.  We have one single grocery store in town.....so around this time-period, you can find between forty and seventy kids over there....hanging out at the bakery or grocery.  What they buy?  Bakery goods, chips, sugar foods, and monster-energy drinks.  

My expectation of Freiburg?  About a year into the meatless/foodless situation....various folks will agree that the situation is just as bad as before.  

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