Saturday, November 5, 2022

Five German News Stories

 1.  Thursday night....just after midnight....a Lebanese clan group crime 'boss' in Berlin was arrested a few minutes after midnight.

Within a couple of hours, the police delivered the guy to the airport, and he was flown to be released there.  In simple terms....he was deported because of past crime.  

Nationality of the guy?  This has been questioned for a number of years and Lebanon had a standing that he wasn't from Lebanon.  Apparently, they got 'convinced' in some way.

Odds of him figuring a way back?  I'd give it a 50-50 chance.

2.  The Ukrainian ambassador to Germany is suggesting that Germany ought to ban entry to all Russians (including those asking for asylum).  I don't see this suggestion going far.

3.  Here in the Odenwald region where I's heavily wooded.  Some group put up a bow-and-arrow 'course' with plastic animals to shoot at.  This has apparently gotten pro-animal folks disturbed, and they want the course and the plastic targets removed.

4.  Tomorrow is the mayor 'election' in Frankfurt.  It's basically a ballot....required by law....if 30-percent of the public show up...the ballot says 'can we fire the mayor'?   

Mayor Feldman is on the crap-list with the city council and general public.  Between some corruption factors and bad-boy behavior....they (the council) asked him to leave....he refused.

Humble feelings?  As clever as the guy seems....he lacks common sense and probably makes bad decisions 50-percent of the time (way more than being accceptable).

5.  Here in the Homburg region of Hessen....along the A-7 autobahn....they are putting up what you'd call a 'micro-hotel' (mostly for truckers).

Mostly a modular metal building....maybe 10 square meters at best.  Hard to say if this will catch on.  

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