Monday, November 21, 2022

The Coup Story

 I sat this morning watching Germany's N-TV news.  Chief topic that caught my eye?  German journalists have gathered up this oddball story, which my BS-meter pinged at a '5'.

Putin's personal guard....military folks....have taken up a training scenario which suggests a coup might happen and how they'd protect him and ensure the coup folks were taken down.

I pondered over this.  Prior to this war....they might have talked about this because it happened in the 1980s....but I doubt if they really had a plan on how it'd work.

My humble view?  They'd ensure Putin was protected....safeguarded....transported out of some secret military base about two hours east of Moscow (a bunker).  

The TV networks? I would imagine for a couple of hours....they'd shut down, and then get news out that Putin was ok (with prior filmed stock of him walking around sipping coffee or tea).

Where this idea came from?  Well....I would suggest insiders....his faithful Oligarch people, who think that various elements of the Russian military might not be stable.  

Why this came up now, and not six months ago?  There's been a fair number of military dead (some would suggest over 100,000).  Somewhere in the mix, there's probably a dozen commanders who don't see a end to the war in 2022, and doubt that a victory can ever come.  

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