Sunday, November 13, 2022

How Close Is Germany To Legalized Cannabis/Weed?

 Well....originally folks were expecting the law to be in full draft by December....passed, and some date made for legal sales of marijuana/cannabis.  

ARD (public TV) did an update today, and I'll make 4 observations:

1.  Various companies are in 'pattern' and ready for some start-up sell-date in 2023....for legal weed sales.

2.  Ministry of Health (Lauterbach, SPD) the last key point?  Yes, and he hasn't found some way to say he approves (he isn't that enthusiastic about the idea).  Lauterbach wants the EU to say something.....either to halt this or allow it to proceed.

3.  Funny note on the rules?  The gov't wants a THC limit for anyone buying it in the 18 to 21 age group.  

4.  No one really expects the current black market to go away....which is an odd part of the legalization.

Law to pass?  Based on various won't happen in 2022, and it might not pass in the first half of 2023.  Just odd how the FDP and Greens are so hyped up and all these years of the SPD claiming to be pro-cannabis but just lingering around.  

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