Monday, November 21, 2022

Just Kinda Funny

 RBB (the sub-network under public TV giant ARD)....had to hire up a new boss....because of the one they fired.

So the salary of this director of the Berlin TV network?  295,000 Euro per year.

It came out today that the network also agreed to a salary deal....1,000 Euro a month, for a rent subsidy.  12,000 Euro a year on top of the salary?  Yeah.

First, I'll be honest, you can't find much of a two-bedroom apartment to rent in the upper-class....for less than 2,500 Euro.  Even just a downsized studio would run in the 1,300 Euro range.  I'm guessing in her style and needs....she's bumping up against 3,000 Euro a month. 

Maybe the 1,000 Euro a month is reasonable, for a boss of a network.

But a lot of people are viewing RBB as a crapped-out scandal plagued organization.  

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