Friday, November 11, 2022

Shocker of the Day?

 Four German states (Bavaria, B-W, Hessen and Schleswig-Holstein) came up today and said that they want a state-only rule....abolishing the five-day quarantine if you come up with Covid.

Even if you are tested positive.....under their rule, you'd return to work or school.

You'd basically have to wear a mask at work/ make this acceptable.

Federal government to allow this?  I'm not that sure about this.

Don't Covid people generally feel crappy?  Well....after my two cases of Covid....I'd say the first day....not so two, three and's not a good feeling and I certainly could not work.

Will non-Covid people at work accept this?  From an American'd have a lot of problems in a shop if 'Joe' had Covid and returned to work the second day.  Most people (I think) would refuse to work in the office.

What gets me about this discussion....just one year ago, people were mandated to stay home for two weeks....with this lessening to ten days.  

Just my humble thoughts, but around 20-percent of German society is probably on the extreme side when you bring up Covid....with fear in their heart.  

1 comment:

HD Wrench said...

My wife's sister had Covid, my nephew, my neighbors. Me, not a sniffle. I figure the shots work or I was immune to begin with.