Thursday, November 17, 2022

Five Things I've Noticed in 2022

 1.  At some point this year (in Germany), I went to a burger shop (I will avoid saying their name) get a burger, fries and Coke.  I opened the burger wrapper, and opened the bun to view the meat patty.  

It was about as thick as ten sheets of paper stacked....meaning there just wasn't that much meat there.  264 calories there, as they advertise?  I really doubt it.  It's probably closer to 180 calories.

2.  I watched some business interview back in the summer of a fairly noted entrepreneur (American, mid-30s).  He used a lot of catch phrases but on intelligence and business knowledge....he seemed like a 15-year old kid, still in high school.

This tends to beg the question....did his parents bribe the college to get him in, and then bribe to have some degree given to the guy?  

3.  I've heard the term 'money-laundering' probably mentioned in news reports, German public forums, or read it in business least 5,000 times this year.  Seems like an all-time the question is.....are we in the midst of a epidemic?

4.  Every time you get some Ukrainian-held Russian POW interview....they seem to be looking burned-out, tired and seeming happy to be captured alive.

5  Soccer fans arriving in that beer is possible at the hotel, but a plain semi-flat beer (.5-liter plastic cup) runs around 13 Euro.  Back home in Aldi (the grocery), you could get the really cheap stuff for 35 cents for a .5-liter can (adding the can deposit on top of that).  

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