Thursday, November 24, 2022

Will Reverse-BREXIT Occur?

 Based on recent events in the UK, there's a big discussion going admit that BREXIT (as originally designed)....has failed, and a large segment (polling says between 55 to 60 percent of the public want it reversed) wants a entry into the EU.

The choices?  Well....the majority of Brits want a Swiss-type membership, which means trade can occur, and limited interaction with EU rules.  Would the EU accept that?  My guess....a major player in the EU roles (Germany) would say no, and demand full membership or nothing.  Talking Brit society in full membership again?  I'd have my doubts that you could get 50-percent or more in a vote.

All of this talk tied to a economic problem?  There's no doubt that the UK economy is currently at a crappy stage and the conservatives will likely have another PM to fail by mid-2023.  Adding to this misery.....Germany is set for a dismal 2023, and isn't in a position to make many demands upon the rest of the EU.

While all of this is going on....there's also a problem brewing where a fair sum of Brits (maybe up into the 35-percent range) are fed up with all of the current political parties, and want a transformation.  

Polling telling a story?  You can review various polls from the past couple of months, and it's confusing.  People will list out criticisms and a vast majority are fed-up.  On the other hand, you can't make a case that either of the two primary parties....are serving solutions that the majority desire.

A reverse-BREXIT to occur in 2023?  I'd say no....but the EU might be in some position in 2024....needing better economic numbers, and maybe a new government in the UK could deliver that and interest the EU with their numbers.

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