Saturday, November 12, 2022

What Is This Emergency Warning Chatter All About?

 If you've been living in the US over the past five or six know of a broadcast system which activates when bad weather (tornado warnings) occur.  You get a broadcast warning to your 'take action'.  

You might be standing in the middle of Wal-Mart, and get this warble sound from your cellphone, and realize that something serious is going on.

Well....this system is finally going to be introduced into Germany.  The first test? Scheduled for 8 December.

If you don't have a cellphone?  You are pretty much screwed.  Presently (I looked it up), for 2021.....around 62-million Germans have a cellphone (83-million in population).  I would imagine the majority of the 21-million without the phone....are under the age of sixteen, or over the age of seventy-five.  

Are there cellphones that can't sync-up with the emergency warning business?  Yes....generally, if you look over the list, if you have a technology that dates back to 2019 or probably won't be able to get the warning.  A big deal?  Well....most Germans probably swap out their phones on a two-year basis.  I would take a guess that one-third of people are like me....not swapping out until the phone dies (usually at the 4-year point).

I'm likely to take a guess that one in four Germans with the cellphone....won't get the 8 December test message, and this will result in some massive public worry about those poor folks who can't be warned of impending 'doom'.

Those folks who live in the hidden valleys.....who get marginal to zero reception?  Yeah....they will also suffer from impending 'doom' chatter.

So that's the whole discussion.  Around 11 AM on 8 December....just don't be shocked if you are standing in the middle of grocery store and you get some 'doom' test message on your handy.  


Bigus Macus said...

One of the more common alerts I receive is an Amber Alert for missing children.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I don't have a problem with the basic idea, but I suspect Germans will get all hyped up and start calling authorities to 'ask' if they should take actions....when the object of the alert in the first place...was for you to take action.