Sunday, March 25, 2018

Limits to Migration Story

From an operations perspective, there's a list of at least a hundred problems (maybe going onto two hundred problems) from the 2013-to-present immigration/migration situation.  Some involve political chaos....some involve financial poor planning...some involve expectations that were more fantasy than reality. 

I noticed that ARD (public TV, Channel One) spoke to one of the issues this morning in the news.

Over the last year....two German cities (Freiburg and Cottbus) called a time-out and said to the federal more migrants are to be shipped into each city (for a period of time).  In both cases, they identified various problems that have been created by the 'dumping' procedure of the national government.  In simple terms....they just weren't ready to handle the number shipped in.

The issues range from affordable housing....temporary housing...language classes....job training....and crosses into odd problems that existed long prior to this (enough school seats or teachers).

In this episode, the two cities can truthfully say that there was no national or federal plan.....on matching numbers of migrants to what a city could really handle.  No one ever stood up in Berlin and said there was a limit.  I would imagine if you had gotten to this point in 2014 and said there was a yearly limit involved in the immigration businesses.....journalists and pro-asylum people would have challenged that.  My general ballpark guess is that nationally...the max that they could handle per year without creating secondary problems, was in the range of 250,000 to 400,000 a year.  This would also take into account that you surveyed them long before allowing entry and this group of 250,000 to 400,000 had high chances of integration, job training, and quickly fitting into the job sphere.

Why only two cities calling a time-out on this issue?  I think in both's the fundamental issue of medium-sized towns with capable mayors and city council members who recognize the various 'lego-like' situations that run the dynamics of their city.  They are small enough to ask questions and develop a thinking process.  A city like Hamburg or Berlin?  No....they'd just keep moving forward and attempt to throw more funding at problems as being the solution. 

It's an interesting piece that ARD discusses and would be a great thesis topic to study these two cities and the solutions that they are working out for the future. 

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