Monday, March 19, 2018

Spahn and Hartz IV Talk

A couple of weeks ago, CDU Party member....Jens Spahn..made a comment or two on Hartz IV (the German welfare program) and a number of political folks wanted to challenge him upon the program.

They've collected up a petition of 150,000 signatures, and demand that he live for one month on normal income that you'd have for Hartz IV. 

Focus had a brief article about this petition and what is coming along with it.

Spahn says he'll privately meet with the person who sponsored the petition and discuss the idea.  The basic suggestion?  You would have to take the 404 Euro for the chief partner, the sub-partner would get 364 Euro (Spahn is married, if you were curious).  So he'd have to survive off 768 for the cover his cellphone, internet, heat, garbage, water, electrical, and food (for two).

My guess is that both Spahn and his spouse have at least 200 Euro a month going out for cellphone coverage, internet and that will be difficult for them to figure into the challenge.  The fact that both work would also present problems as well. 

My guess in the end is that Spahn and the spouse will agree to a food allocation deal of 280 Euro (more or less). 

My German wife brought up this whole planning strategy. In her mind, she'd need 4.50 Euro a day per person (135 Euro monthly).  On this, you could eat exceptionally smart-wise, buy cheap beer, cheap meats, etc.....and survive.

The problem with this concept though....there is no extras built into the system.  If you had a'd be a problem.  A dog?  No way.  Gifts for someone?  You'd have to forget about that.  It's meant as enough to marginally live and put some enthusiasm into you to find a job.

I suspect that Spahn will take the deal and show over the course of 30 days that you can live off the Hartz IV sum. 

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