I read through a number of articles and chat yesterday on the German topic of Hartz IV (the German welfare system). Surprisingly enough....it's moved from a top ten position....to probably topic number one in the past month.
Some people sense that a period of change is going to arrive in 2019....as a lot of discussions are held this year, and criticism will continue to mount.
The solution talked about? Universal Income.
The way this would work? In draft form, and based on at least twenty people describing their vision....I will offer my vision of how the Germans will implement it.
If you are on welfare status today....they'd slip you over tomorrow to Universal Income. Your monthly 'allowance' would go to roughy to 1,600 Euro. That would be there to cover rent, utilities, health care insurance, cellphone, IP service, car insurance, car repairs, income taxes, etc. Everything.
If you had some partner living in the house, there would likely be no added income (not unless they worked). Kids? As long as it was two kids or less....no extra income. More than two kids? Yeah, there's likely to be added money.
Each would be required weekly to show up at some local job-center and apply for jobs. I would mandate job-training for virtually everyone. Anyone being uncooperative at applying for jobs or accepting job-training? Slap a 200-Euro fine upon their account each month that they act in this way. In some cases....mandate behavioral classes just to make them understand changes are necessary.
But here's the thing. As much as everyone will be hyped up and all super-positive in the first two years....reality will eventually come and announce itself. In some regions, cost of living will be unfair. In some areas....finding affordable housing will be impossible. Some people are bound and determined to live without working.
To afford this extra cost? More taxes will have to occur, or you cut somewhere (like that stupid military budget). All of that additional taxation will trigger additional problems down the line. So as much as people say this will fix things....it'll simply lead onto a new set of problems in five years.
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