Monday, June 18, 2018

Polling over Migration Story

It's a short story via Focus (the German news magazine) this morning.  Someone did a poll and asked strictly Bavarians (they have their own state, you know) about the asylum-policy that the Interior Minister Seehofer is discussing....commonly referred to as the 'hard asylum policy'.

Well....71-percent said yes....they want it, even if it was not without the support of the CDU. It is a fairly overwhelming number.

The folks who did the survey...even went to a second question about the necessary action of breaking up the coalition, and 53-percent of Germans (nationwide) said 'yes' would be the right time to give up on this mess....suggesting in some way a new election.

Course, a new election would mean talking about the migration and immigration business and I seriously doubt that anyone in the SPD or CDU party would agree to that type of open discussion in public.

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