Sunday, November 1, 2020

Political Chatter

 This political 'drama' playing out in Germany with the CDU Party 'boss' election, has taken a new twist.

To lay out this story....back in the spring of 2020....Merkel's hand-picked replacement for both the party boss and Chancellor candidate in 2021's national election....said 'enough', and dropped her ambitions (AKK).

The deal at that time was that she'd arrange the party conference in early December, and allow party membership to vote upon the three candidates (Friedrich Merz,  Armin Laschet and Norbert Röttgen).

Well...Covid worries started up. The conference was cancelled.  A lot of frustration started up....mostly with Merz, but also among membership itself.

The alternate method? currently can't run a digital meeting or e-mail party vote (against the rules).

In the past week....serious chatter took place.  So the rumor started up yesterday....the three candidates in the running generally support a rule change.  They want a digital conference....with an e-mail vote.  The chatter is mostly positive.

Odds of this mid-January (as the rumor goes)?  I have my doubts.  For this kind of rule'd actually have to have a person-to-person meeting, which Covid worries seem to forbid.

As for the push for Merz?  The pro-Merkel crowd aren't happy with Merz (they didn't imagine he'd ever return to politics after being kicked around back a decade ago).  Presently, with the economic mess presenting itself...Merz might be the more capable person to bring into the picture.  Present rumors are that a majority of CDU actual Merz over all over options.  

So stand by and wait.  

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