Monday, September 19, 2022

Five Questions

1.  Monkey-pox quietly disappeared?

That's the funny thing via German TV news.  In the past ten days, I haven't seen a single mention of M-P.  Just odd how it came to be hot news in June and July, and now....gone.

2.  Izyum, Ukraine mentioned a lot  in the past couple of days? least 400 people found buried in the middle of the woods.  Lot of war crimes chatter going on.  

3.  German Transportation Minister interviewed on TV?

Yeah, and it was pretty harsh words.  The Bahn (railway system) is overstressed and not able to perform at the levels required (as shown from this past summer).  Presently, it was built for x-amount of freight and passenger traffic, and it's pretty maxed-out

4.  Channel Two, public TV (ZDF) meteorologist saying no more 'nice weather comments?

Well....yeah.  Not to really get into this talk....but he says the climate change business and high temperatures in the past making it near impossible to be comforting in weather 'words' to Germans.

Personally, all I ever expected from a weather guy/gal....was a 60 second talk about tomorrow and maybe the day after that.  I don't want nice words or blunt criticism....just throw a map predicted temperatures, and if rain or snow figures into my day.  It doesn't have to be pretty or intellectual in nature.  If there are demons in the weather's best to just avoid this chatter.  

5.  My view of my local bank (ATM blown up at 3 AM)?

I drove and looked the damage.  Minimum of four months, and probably even eight get the structure back into operational shape.  Whoever blew the ATM machine up....did over a quarter-million in damage to the structure.  I might even question if the bank can reopen, or if they close the bank entirely.  

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