Monday, September 19, 2022

3 AM In My Village

 Last night (Monday morning), around 3 AM.....a ATM machine was blown up in my village.  

It's a rather common occurrence in Germany.  Gangs roam around, and have a method or two....where they get to the cash machines, and blow them up.  In the process....99-percent of the time, the building is damaged in a severe way.  Occasionally, the building is made unusable and is torn down.  

How much they got away with?  Well....typically, these cash machines are filled on Friday, but by Sunday night....they are probably nearing empty status.  I'd question how smart these guys were, and that the amount stolen...probably was less than 5,000 Euro.  

The bad thing?  There's only two banks/ATMs in the whole village (4,000 people).  So if you were the type of person who took out 500 Euro each month for might be in a problem, or facing a trip to the next village to find another ATM machine.  

The criminals?  For all the effort they walk away with only 5k in Euro (my guess)?  It's not much to brag about.  

All these ATM bombings drawing the banks to fewer ATM machines in the future?  There's been a lot of suggestions over the past decade that a drop in ATM machines is very likely to occur.  

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