Friday, September 16, 2022

The Grandma Scene

 About two months ago in mid-town Wiesbaden.....sitting and sipping through a great cup of coffee across from a electronics shop...I came to witness something of an odd nature.  It's been on my mind a fair bit.

So, here was some seventy-year old German 'grandmother' type gal....who'd obviously gone into the electronics shop to buy a new smart-phone.  With her was the grandson, who'd I'd assume was around 8 or 9 years old.  

The new phone box was handed to the kid, and taking the old a matter of ten minutes, he'd set the new phone up with the symbiology and 'look'.  Same background, some look-and-feel.

This is a vast amount of knowledge that the kid had acquired in a relatively short period of his life.

Me?  I probably could have done the same thing....probably taking three times the amount of time.  

It is a statement of our society and where things are going.  You could probably hand the kid a security-installation kit for the home, with basic instructions, and in two hours.....he would have done the same work that you'd pay the 'expert' seventy Euro.

The Tesla models?  Same a generation, there will be 12-year old kids with the knowledge base to resolve any 'engine' problem, and replace components as required.  

The two interesting things?  First, it used to be that new gadgets all came with some 40-page instruction manual and you really needed to review it before assembly.  Now?  This instruction concept is being thrown out the door.  Second, Grandma actually trusted young 'Huns' enough to do this without any worry.  

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