Monday, September 12, 2022

Legalization Dead-end

 Since the end of 2021, there's been hype by the coalition government (SPD-Greens-FDP) that legalization of Cannabis would occur.  Some even promised the big anticipated event would occur by 1 January 2023.

Well....N-TV did a report this AM, and the whole enthusiasm is about to evaporate.

Problems?  It comes down to one single issue....the EU has a law that forbids legalization.

So, you go back to what the coalition promised: "controlled sale of cannabis to adults for recreational purposes in licensed shops".  That was single line written into the agreement that the three parties agreed upon.

There's an EU 'game' built around 2004, which limits growth of Cannabis. 

So this whole 'talk' and hype for the past eight months....doomed....because of the EU regulations?  Yeah.

I would say at this point, legalization will not occur, and oddly enough....this might be a top three topic for the next EU election (Spring 2024).  Normally, there are no subjects much in a EU election, and people show up to vote for their traditional party.

Anger to brew up about this?  Well....the dealers aren't disappointed....they want the illegal trade to continue.  Around with Green voters?  I would suggest that they might have some bitter feelings about the promise made, and the preventative measures by the EU regulation.  

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