Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Five German News Items

 1.  There's a youth wing of the SPD Party (for teens and up to age 25), called JUSOS.  They've started a topic item.....asking for a new German federal agency to handle porn in Germany.  RTL (commercial TV) covered this in the past day or two.

Basically, they want regulated porn.  

Oddly, in the middle of this discussion, they also believe that some form of porn could be shown on public TV (via ARD or ZDF).

This topic going anywhere?  I doubt it.  Even bringing this up with older SPD members would mostly be laughed upon.

2.  Last night, via RTL's 'Extra' news show, they ran a segment (you can watch the whole show here).....where blackouts were discussed.  

I'd say it was rather blunt, and if people were watching....it might strike some fear into Germans.   But I'd also note it was on at 10:40 at night, and a minimum number of Germans viewed it.

3.  German waste industry is sounding the alarm.....lack of garbage truck drivers.  You have to have a particular type of license and be certified.  Presently, there is a lack of drivers going on. Around 20,000 of these guys across German....retire yearly.

4.  German gov't says the natural gas storage unit is now 90 percent full.  The story goes....if Russia totally turns off the flow, at 95 percent, they will have enough natural gas to survive the winter.  By their estimates, within 10 days....they will hit the mark.  

5.  Summer travel season has closed out in Germany.  The crappy numbers for late flights or cancellations?  Around 36 percent of flights fell into that category when leaving from a German airport.  NTV segment this AM reports that.

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