Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Three Odd German Stories That Stand Out Today

 First, the EU court system stood up and announced that the German law that alllows the federal system to retain personal data (like phone calls, and emails)....is in violation of the EU system.  

The exact wording?  Without 'cause', you can only attach or store personal data to a very limited degree.

Shocking anyone much?  I doubt that.  It did take a while for the case to rise through the system. 

Now?  Well....a ton of personal data gets deleted.  

A negative?  Well....Germans were using the data 'grab' to hinder the crime gang activity.

Second, ARD (public TV) carried a news item this morning.....where one in five German kids are now at risk of living their life in poverty.  Yeah, it's a lot of kids. 

Fixing or resolving this?  You'd have to remake the whole welfare system.

Third, manufacturing announced today that back-orders are at a all-time level for Germany.  Blame?  Partly the natural gas price business, and some leading to logistics issues (lack of truck drivers).  

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