Thursday, September 22, 2022

Five German News Stories

 1.  The head of the German Reservists Association spoke up to the idea of Putin activating 300,000 Russian reservists.

The best quote?  "Sending Russian soldiers so ill prepared for war, would be a military disaster for Russia."

2.  There's talk between the Green Party and the FDP Party of granting asylum to Russian soldiers who desert the Army.  

How this would work?  Unknown.

If you were talking about just 10,000.....I don't think it'd be a big deal for Germans to accept.  If you upped this number to 100,000....most Germans would ask a lot of questions.  

3.  There's this new 'wave' hitting German construction.  A lot of people who had signed papers to buy a condo situation under construction....have reviewed the purchase agreement, and gone to cancel their contract.

If you go and look into this....a effort over the past five years has been to make 'affordable' housing possible through condo sales.  So this avenue of the economy is going to hit a 'brick-wall' very shortly.  

4.  If you were measuring for anxiety and stress over the natural gas pricing in geographical terms.....the peak point in Germany at present is the eastern part (old DDR).  

Expectations for demonstrations are at a higher level there, than most other regions of Germany.  

5.  Frankfurt is holding a costly election on 6 November....basically to keep the current mayor, or throw the guy out of office.  

The only thing on the ballot?  Quote: "Do you vote for the removal of the Lord Mayor of the City of Frankfurt am Main, Mr. Peter Feldmann?".  That's it....the only matter.

Why is this occurring?  The city council finally stood up after numerous incidents and just said they lost faith....wanting him gone.  Well....he refused to leave until spring of 2023.  The election is the only way to force him out.

Problems here?  You have to have 30-percent of the registered voters to show up, and vote.  There's some doubt if people are that interested in dumping the mayor.

Why delay the exit?  News people have generally refused to discuss this matter, but I suspect it's leading back to a pension deal and he would forfeit x-amount of his government pension by leaving now.  

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