Sunday, September 25, 2022

Russian Mobilization: 300,000 or 1-Million?

 There's been a lot of chatter over the past week about this Kremlin situation....for reservists to be recalled.  So a discussion started the real recall effort set to 300,000 or to 1-million (meaning half of the entire reservist force of Russia). goes to paragraph 7, and what was public information and what some believe was hidden information. 

The general statement is that Putin can now authorize 300,000 reserves to be called up and put into uniform.  The rest of the statement goes to the idea that he'd not limited to 300,000, and could easily sign a piece of paper authorizing another 700,000.

How this would play out?

I would suggest four key issues:

1.  Does Russia have the logistical capability to put 300,000 into the Ukraine front and fully support them (ammo, food, fuel, tanks, medical attention, etc)?  I'm skeptical that the system presently in place would support this crowd.

It wouldn't shock me if Russian conscripts started complaining about only getting fed every other day.  

2.  Once you remove the 300,000 reservists from their civilian long does it take for Russian commerce to trend down into operational chaos?  A month.....three months?

3.  If the 700,000 were added by January....could the nation function without the services of these young men?

4.  Considering the bulk of the 300,000 probably haven't held a gun or participated in a legit exercise in several years....maybe even for two decades....what's their value in real combat operations?  Will they even survive the first sixty days?

My anticipation is that things in terms of the economy and normal day-to-day logistical support....will start to crumble by the end of October.  

The 28-year old guy who drove the milk truck from six dairy farms to the processing plant....won't be there to do his job.  

The 30-year old guy who worked at the regional bakery won't be there for production of bread going to grocery stores.

The 22-year old guy who installed heating systems for new homes....won't be there for sixteen new home heating jobs required in October.  

The 39-year old guy and a dozen of his associates who worked at some brewery in Moscow....won't be there to produce beer, so the operation will shut down.

So if the 300,000 problem was pretty stressful....just wait till January for the other 700,000 to be called up.  

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