Sunday, November 13, 2022

Five Things I Expect in 2023

 1.UK PM (the new guy, Sunak) will enter a crisis period, and resign.  Events will require a new election....where the Tory Party marginally wins. 

2.  EU election results?  Far right-wing (because of the energy crisis) gets near 20-percent of European votes. 

3.  Recession and slow-down in production....results in Germany having a 6-percent unemployment rate by mid-summer.

4.  Another wave of Russians exiting the 'motherland' in early the range of 500,000 to avoid the second reservists draft.  A new Russian law will be written to make it a crime to openly discuss economic trends....unless you work for the government.  

5.  Germany reaches a stage where they hold 'Last Generation' protest activists for 30 to 60 days of jail upon each arrest.  This catapults the group to get into more violent aspects by the end of 2023.   

1 comment:

Daz said...

I can't imagine the conservatives winning after the way they've butchered the country over the last decade. Even if they do it's going to spell the end of them for longer, as this austerity for the poor/socialism for the rich only tends to work when there's functioning assets left to sell. They've pretty much sold everything based on the lie that it's what caused the 2008 financial crash - and not that it was a bunch of investment bankers (just like Sunak - not just because he was an investment banker but because his direct decisions exacerbated the problem).