Thursday, November 3, 2022

Five Questions Over Germany

 1.  Am I pessimistic or optimistic over Germany's economy for 2023?

The natural gas thing is a hard issue to define in terms of 'being there'.  If it's a mild situation for winter....then I'm pretty optimistic about 2023 being a decent year by the end.  If we have an average or harsh winter.....I'm extremely pessimistic about the economy.

2.  This 49-Euro Bahn/Bus ticket being a great deal only for urbanized Germans?

Yeah, and you can't really resolve or fix this mess.  Probably two-thirds of the population live in a urbanized area where mass transit really does work.  The rest?  In marginally populated areas or non-massive urban areas.  SPD, Greens and FDP will lose public support in the rural areas over this unfair situation.

3.  Poland about to have it's first nuke energy plant?

Yes, and built by a US company.

4.  German media hyped up over President Biden's chatter that democracy is under a threat?

Yes, for several weeks....this chatter has been repeated on public TV (ARD/ZDF).  

But to be honest....ever since the 4th of July 1776....the threat to democracy has been underway, and it's a pretty sure bet that for the next can utter 'threat to democracy' on a daily basis.

5.  Frankfurt's airport to connect the new terminal three to terminal 1-and-2?

The plan is finally released today.  For those who haven't been watching the construction....terminal three will be across the runway....opposite of terminal 1/2.

The tram system will connect the three......with the speed readjusted to 80 kph for the long 'haul' out to terminal 3.

When the tram extension will be done?  Well...2026.  And no....this is not a manned-tram (driverless is the future).  

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