Sunday, November 8, 2020

Bavarian Ban Rule

 Starting Monday....Bavaria has started up a new ban-rule for Covid-19.  Basically, if you leave the state of Bavaria and enter a 'hot zone' area (for just 24 hours)....then upon your return go into quarantine (period).

If you just flew out to Prague for six hours and returned?  Well....legally, you are ok and don't face the quarantine. Twenty-three hours and 59 minutes?  You'd pass the requirement with no issue.  

BR covered this whole story.

Just passing through (like a trucker)?  You are exempted but they intend to track this in some fashion.

Screwing around with ski enthusiasts this winter?  Yeah, more or less.  You could probably go drive over to some Austrian, Swiss or Czech location for ten hours of skiing, then pile back into the car to hopefully cross the border before 24th hour comes around.  If you failed and went a minute over?  You'd have to call the boss and play this stupid quarantine game. 

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