Monday, September 5, 2022

How I Think The German Public TV 'Scandal' Will End?

 About every three to four days, another 'shoe' drops and some other issue pops up.  

At the national level, there's a 'governor's board' which is supposed to be made up of 50 to 60 individuals.  They are appointed by various groups, which typically simply had a overview of what was going, without weekly meetings or hyped-up circumstances.  

I suspect by the end of 2022....the board will admit that it's not built to handle real audits or overviews.  Then they will say that some type of truth-commission has to be created to go and spend six months really pouring over the spending of funds, and the neutral news reporting.

At the conclusion of this review, it's going to be hard for ARD/ZDF (the two 'mothers' of public TV) to continue 'as-is'.

I suspect three key things will come out of this.  

First, the 'governor's board' will be told that it's not really built to do the job required, and it probably should be no more than ten people, with a full-time job to perform oversight.

Second, both ARD and ZDF will be told that this reform they've discussed for thirty years and never really now beyond their capabilities, and it'll be drafted by the board, and handed to them.  It probably won't be a pleasant experience, and the two news teams will be in the middle of this reform.

Third and final.....public radio in Germany is probably going to change in a major way, with less content.  There is a need for regional news and forums, but beyond that.....other than culture items....the rest of the job can by done by private radio stations.  

As for the media-tax downsizing?  I would take a guess by 2024, maybe a 5-Euro decrease on the monthly tax.

The public TV/radio folks grumbling?  Oh, this will go on for years, if not the empire fell apart and was screwed-over.  They had hints given to them almost yearly, and just if the atmosphere was 'blessed'.  

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