Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Charges Story

 There's this little German law in the criminal code....which refers to blocking or preventing emergency vehicles 'access'.  It's section 145.

It basically says if you are tampering or preventing emergency aid....causing 'common danger'....gets you a situation in court, and up to four years of prison..

I bring this up because yesterday in Berlin....the 'Last Generation' kids decided to prevent access on a road....where an ambulance was to pass through.  The crew reported the situation to the police, and it would appear some type of prosecutor action is going to occur.

Shocking the kids involved?  I suspect their parents are conferring with lawyers presently and the kids (no one says the ages) are getting a dose of reality.

I also don't think this will be the last application of section 145....it's probably going to be dragged out a good bit and some kids will come to regret the BS they were told. 

'Last Generation' group likely to challenge the court system?  Maybe, but there's laws for mounting demonstrations without a permit, and that can get you jail time too.  

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