Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve TV Viewing in Germany?

 Don't get excited.

There's a pretty lame 2-star Flughafen Christmas movie (from 2021)....which I watched last year....on ARD.

Via ZDF, you can watch a musical collection of tunes.

Via SAT1, you can watch Kevin Alone.

The Grinch is on RTL.

Iron Man III is on Pro7, with Transformers coming on after that.

Name of the Rose is on Kabel1.

Die Hard, Con Air, Rambo I, Rambo II, and Rambo III are set for RTL 2.

If you stay up to 22:40 on SWR, they are running the 30 minute piece of Family Henz Becker on a Christmas adventure.  It's actually a good humored piece, from the 1990s.  

Yeah, if you were expecting anything better?  No....that's not the tradition in Germany and I would imagine half of the normal TV audience has the TV turned off, and into some family setting.  

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