Wednesday, December 14, 2022

The UK, ID Cards And Reality

 They are having a discussion in the UK...over introducing biometric ID cards and requiring them for voting purposes.

It's safe to say....some activists are against the idea of the new cards, and trying to stage some political 'fight'.

From age 15....I've had some form of ID (the first being a driver's permit).  At some point, if you counted all the forms of ID in my pocket....I had around six IDs (state license, German license, military ID, controlled zone pass, passport, passport card).  

I sat and pondered over often I've had to show an ID in the past year (the Covid era, mind you).  For 2022....I didn't travel that much and there were only three trips to a bank....where they asked for an ID. If you go back to 2019, before Covid.....I probably had to show a minimum of 15 occasions some form of ID.  

Surviving in this modern era with an ID?  How?  I don't get carded for booze purchases anymore....that probably ended around age 20. 

The las time I bought a car and had to register it (showing an ID)?  More than 25 years ago.

It would be curious to take a thousand people on 1 January, and make them no-ID types....seeing how long they'd make it into 2023 without an ID.

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