Saturday, December 17, 2022

Pantoffelheld: Real Meaning

 There are probably 500 words in the German language which don't translate well into English, and if you engage a German on the invites a conversation that doesn't go well.

In the literal sense....pantoffelheld means 'slippery hero'.  

In the real sense, this is a German guy who is married to a fairly blunt, direct and charismatic woman.  

In using the word?  You should only use it with the German guy involved, and never within ear-shot of his wife.  If she should hear you....expect a long heated argument and a lecture on respect for authority.

If you wake up in a pantoffelheld situation?  Well....if you intend to linger around, you'd best locate a good local pub, and figure to be there at least one night a week.

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